We have all been there. You just spent 10 buck-a-roos on a fine cigar you plan to smoke that night and all a sudden plans change. Why? I do not know maybe there was a sale at Nordstrom’s were anything you can fit in your arms is completely free! But point here is that your not going to be able to smoke your cigar when your assumed you were going to. Since your working on building wealth and a cigar collection but at this point in life you still only have enough in your bank to cover your bills and some food, and you buy a cigar one at a time (no humidor). OK maybe your finically comfortable and don’t ever want a cigar collection, so you don’t have a humidor. Well my friend I have been there (broke scenario, no humidor). No humidor but you have to preserve your cigar someway? You don’t want to waste a potentially good cigar because you have to wait a few days. What to do?
No worries my friend! I have ruined enough cigars by having to wait that I have found something a friends little brother thought might work. Make a way the moisture stays with the cigar( love little bros). At this point I would say ALWAYS, ALWAYS GET A BAG WITH YOU PURCHASE OR ELSE THIS WONT HELP! There I was two cigars and changed plans. Lucky I got a bag. Follow these steps to preserve your cigar(s) for a few days. This is only a make shift alternative.
1st make sure your cigars are wrapped if not they don’t rest on anything wet.
2nd get a paper towel and fold it very neatly so it looks like the picture.
4th Place the moist paper cloth inside the bag with the cigar(s). Not touching. Just inside along with.
5th Put contents in a cool even temperature place. Not to dark or direct sunlight
Important to note: Temp should be around 70 degrees moisture should be about 70% avoid too hot will evaporate water and dry cigar(s) or too moist fungus and mildew can happen.
Hope this will help you prolong the life of your cigar due to changed plans or whatever else is preventing you from smoking your cigar sooner.
It you think this is not correct then make a comment or else.
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